Field, argument and type namingΒΆ

There are three different names that have to be specified for each mutation:

  • The name of the mutation.
  • The name of the input argument(s).
  • The name of the input argument type.
  • The name of the field that can be resolved.

The first one is always set by you, and the second one is always input or id (or both).

The two others can be customized by the following meta parameters:

  • type_name
  • return_field_name
class UpdateUserMutation(DjangoUpdateMutation):
    class Meta:
        model = User
        type_name = "ChangeUserInput"  # Default here would be UpdateUserInput
        return_field_name = "updatedUser"  # Default here would be user

class Mutation(graphene.ObjectType):
    update_user = UpdateUserMutation.Field()
mutation UpdateUserMutation($input: ChangeUserInput){
    updateUser(input: $input){


Given the existence of GraphQL aliasing, the utility of the latter is questionable.