
Will delete multiple instances of a model depending on supplied filters. The returned arguments are:

  • deletionCount: True if the instance was found and deleted.
  • deletedIds: The ids of the deleted instances.

Mutation input arguments:

Argument Type
input Object!

All meta arguments:

Argument type Default Description
model Model None The model. Required.
filter_fields Tuple () A number of filter fields which allow us to restrict the instances to be deleted.
permissions Tuple None The permissions required to access the mutation
login_required Boolean None If true, the calling user has to be authenticated

If there are multiple filters, these will be combined with and-clauses. For or-clauses, use multiple mutation calls.

class FilterDeleteUser(DjangoFilterDeleteMutation):
    class Meta:
        model = User
        filter_fields = ('name', 'house__address',)
mutation {
    filterDeleteUser(input: {name: 'John'}){